
inshallah plant tree on road side,
  care for them protect them, water them, fertilize them
trees on footpath
inshallah help musafir by food, accomodation
ikram mehman
inshallah 100% deen meri andhar, mere family andhar
silarahmy with relatives, friends, colleques
do more not less
do help if can, do it later if can, duwa for them if you can not
feed poor with water, food, cloth, shelter
help patients
help masum people from court
inshallah i will start hotel, 30% profit give to poor
inshallah i will start medical shop, 30% profit give to poor people
inshallah i will start water plant 30% profit give to poor
inshallah i will start hospital, 30% profit give to pooor
inshallah i will start hotel accomodation , 30% profit to poor
inshallah i will lstart pg give accomodation, 30% profit to poor
inshallah i will start bus travel, car travel, airplan, ship travel
30% profit to poor
insha allah i will start law consultancy to help the poor
insha allah i will start business consultancy to help the poor to start busines,scale
insha allah i will multinational muslim woman based organization
who can work from softare, tele caller, get good handsom salary >10k for working only 4hours
every month saturday, sunday holiday
i will give salary of 1k to work for 1hour every day to work only 24 mintues every day
holidays, saturday, sunday allowed
inshallah help khadar buy to pay debt by giving interest free loan
insha allah take delivery expense for shahina from my side
insha allah give eeadh dress to parents, javid wife, javid, puppu
insha allah talk to shabber, help him to get married
insha allah help hameed to come over bad habbits jina, bad words scolding, sharab
help him to unit and live with his wife and children
insha allah start small business with 5k investment on april
which does not take my time

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