2017-09-14 thurs day

maa bbaap kidmat
zoru bacche ke haq
sila rahmi
ikrame muslimeen
davate illallah
halal kamai
learn by experience project start again.
tutorial gathering
assignment section
portfolio section
projects section
badges, points
language trending
chat section
local setup section , cloud section
jobs section(ngo, startup)
freelance section
idea section
collaboration section
  project buddy
analytical skills, reasoning skills
design skills
product management
funding section
softwares, tools
idea : create electron framework based diary desktop app to write every day diary, tasks

Insha allah
learnbee(learn by experience, example)
work schedule: 7 am to 1pm(6hours), each hour break:15 minute break, namaz, house work
2pm to 4.30pm(2.30 hours, each hour break 15 minutes) =>8.30 hours -> break time: 1.30hrs -> remaining time: 7 hours
asar time: for jikr
after magrib: spent time with family, eat, plan for tommarrow food shopping
early morning : toilet,
body present  mind obscent (mobp or bpmo)
how to get concentration back on work, important things, prayers
count how much time your are working atleast 15 minutes time:

no yourstory, ted talks,no youtube entertainment, information, no watching vides of code for more than 1 hour

block site chrome
active time spent on browser
 by website

track time spent on chrome
php for chrome
code php from chrome browser
cloud section
  sharing data
  cloud services
  cloud tools
php for chrome
php scaling for companies
php logging
set the goal to work on project his many hours work on it
similarly set the goal to practice on practicing data structures

free learning hosting tutorial, running incremental project, books, badges

What is your product? What you did for last 5 years?

This is same question i will be asked.
I am saying, i have product called learnbyexperience.
I did not complete yet, i tried offline.
Its maily social network site for learning especcialy aiding self learning.
Programming languages.
Was it created? No not created completely.
How many employees you have?
2 employees.
What are they doing?full stack developer one person, other beginner.
Why are you applying for Engineering manager position?

Is it okay to say, my product is this, its functionalities is this, database schema is this.
Closing the product due to lack of funding.
I am not working on my product for long time due to lack of money.
I am i telling lie about the product, which was not created, which was not launched,
Which does not have customers.
How many customers are there?

Atleast i should create my product?
to avoid telling lies.
I should create it.