January 28, 2018

saffron honey
zaffron bulb like
zaffron grow in cold climate
zaffron grow in container
zaffron in paper bag
earth, gober, sand
kalonji oil tea spoon + lemon juice
grows hair again even fallen hair
kalonji powder tbl spoon + with tea  daily
kalonji powder + honey  mardanagi badata hi
use of kalonji in achaar
kalonji cure for all of the disease except death
cold treatment
pure honey+kalonji powder
eat every day
early morning , dont eat 1/2 or 1 hour later, dont eat
afternoon, dinner
mohammed rasool favorite foods
jaitoon quroon
rayi up log malish skin, bones strength

mohammed rasoolullah favorite 12 foods
figs cure for piles
black grapes  kiney, blood purify
honey  diarroha with hotwater
melon white  good for pregnat
milk forgetfulnes
mushroom   cure for eyes, birth control
pomogrante old age
olive oil evil aspiration 40 days

kalonji magical oil
black cumin seeds or kalonji 1tbl speen big chammach
fenugreek seeds or methi bada chammach 1 spoon
coconut oil 100 ml

warm the water
put the bowl with kalonji , methi

coconut healing properti, vitamin e, vitamin k
after 15 minutes
glass bowl,
keep it in 15 days sunlight compulsary

apply on air scalp and hair, keep it 2 hours
clean it with shampoo, apply condition after that
ayurved, china, unani usage
black seeds
vitamin b1, v2, b3, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, folic acids

black seeds oil

anti oxidants
avoid wrinkles,

grow hair, strenghten roots
blood pressure, control sugar levels, sugar people
anti bactorial, anti inflamatory
avoid helps in bone cancer
avoid from infections
1tbl spoon black seeds oil
helps digestion
imporve kidney working

1 tbl spoon oil + 1tbl honey
avoid back pain
apply where the problems
energy body stengths
liver, good eyes, lungs
reduce over height
coconut 2.57lakh coconut cultivation
acre -> 50 to 60 plants, max: 90 plant

minumulu, kandulu mix challu kovatam

2 meter width, 3 meters depth, 3.5 meter gattu, 1 meter gattu yettu
royallu, fish 5 varietes
6000 fish, 6000 prawn

tavudu, nookalua fish food
5kg , 5kg
kanda, penda, banana, vegetables, fruits
pita puram gramam
vegetable, pules, fruits, flowers, hen, pigeon, cow, goat, fish, prawn, solar, zero budget farming, coconut, muranga

aatma project
farming from : 5pm to 11.30 pm
early morning
evening farmers
buy agricultural land 1/2 acre
6.50 acrs Each acr 1.50 lakhs only.
This is 6.50 acr agriculture property in kalakada mandal chittoor district each acr 1.50 lakhs only
My commission is 2%

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