1) camunda
1)line break
shift + enter
2)new bmpn diagram
3) start event
4) double click to edit label
5) right click, context menu
select activity shape(rectangle)
6) canvas
$ drag it to preferred position
$ activity type : service task
click on the activyt shape, using wrench button
$ end event
$ send task, receive task, user task
manual task
business rule task
service task
script task
call activity
sub process(collapsed)
sub process(expanded)
$ thick circle -> end event
$ configure the service task
execute ways
external task pattern
open properties panel
implementation: External
Topic: charge-card
$ executable true, false: ignored by process engine
$ empty space on modeling canvas
properties of process itself
$ configure
ID = payment-retrieval
used by process engine as indentifier for executable process
human readablename
name = Payment Retrieval
$ File > Save File As..
$ implement an external task worker
after modeling the process, we want to
execute some business logic
$ business logican can be implemented in
different languages
$ Camunda ready-to-go task clients
java, javascript(Node js), Camunda REST Api
$ never worked java, prefer javascript
$ using java
jdk1.8, eclipse
$ maven dependency to external task client for new process application
$Long polling in External TaskClient
external task instace
ExternalTaskClient client = ExternalTaskClient.create()
.handler((externalTask, externalTaskService) -> {
// put your business logic service
// Get a process variable
String item = (String) externalTask.getVariable("item");
Long amount = (Long) externalTask.getVariable("amount");
// complete the task
Using javascript(NodeJs)
NodeJs > v8.9.4
editor: Atom
mkdir charge-card-worker
cd ./charge-card-worker
npm init -y
npm install -s camunda-external-task-client-js
const { Client, logger} = require('camunda-external-task-client-js');
const config = { baseUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/engine-rest', use: logger, asyncResponseTimeout: 10000 };
const client = new Client(config);
client.subscribe('charge-card', async function({ task, taskService }) {
//put your business logic here
// get a process variable
const amount = task.variables.get('amount');
const item = task.variables.get('amount');
console.log(`charge credit card with an amount of ${amount}$ for the item '${item}...');
// complete the task
await taskService.complete(task);
node ./worker.js
use the camunda modeler to deploy the process
deploy buttoon
deployment name: "Payment Retrieval"
verify the deployment with cockpit
login credentials: demo/demo
start a process instance
curl or rest client
post http://localhost:8080/engine-rest/process-definition/key/payment-retrieval/start
"variables" :{
"amount" : {
"value" : 555,
"type" : "long"
"item" :{
"value": "item-xyz"
Content-Type: application/json
Add a user task to the process
modeler left-hand menu,
select the activity shape(rectangle)
drag it into position between the start event
and "Charge Crdit Card" service task
- Name it "Approve Payment"
- change activity type: User task
- by clicking on it
- using the wrench button menu
- User Task
Configure a User Task
Assignee: demo
Configure basic form in user Task
"Properties Panel"
Forms tab
3 form fields
clicking on plus button 3 times
ID: amount
Type: long
Label: Amount
field 2:
Id: item
Type: string
Label: Item
field 3:
Type: boolean
Label: Approved?
deploy the process
deploy button
work on the task
credentials demo/demo
click on start process button
select Payment Retrieval from the list
set variables for process instance using egeneric form
click start
approve payment task in your task list
se;ect tasl
click on the diagram
highlight user task thats waiting to be worked on
form tab
- Camunda Basics Get Started
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process communicaton
error handling