
1) 18 hours
1) 3 months
1) sold books
1) rejection , knock doors
1) selling
1) even mechanical enginering
1) summer
1) single family homes
1) save money -> single money
1) 2004 broker
1) no lease
1) multifamily
1) things through
1) quick decision
1) luxory home seminar
1) keep progress further
1) mentor
1) 2004 david lindol
1) bought his book
1) wall of fame creative students
1) 300 $ course ebay
1) learn for 2 years
1) started writing
1) physical seeing
1) 14 , 109, 13,
2000 units 2 years
1) scatter homes,
1) loosing money
1) 20 unites one under roof
full time manager
economy scale
20 contracts
20 loans or 1 loan
1) partners
1) revenue increasing
1) own account department
1) investor
vice president
1) small time person
sooner you get into multifamily
4plex, 6plex, 20plex
20 units, 50, 100
400 unites
duplex to now 4hundres
scale it up
syndication 4747
you will be in ther
other money
doctors, attorney
retirement fund
pool money
elevator pitch
investor return
130 investors
8 to 10 million
2 weeks
monolis 3 years
67 employees
52 employees
ideal investment
trimming down
4 more on sale
keep focus
i want to this or that
they like portability
b class partmetns
seniors downsizing
immigrant apartment
30 years and 50 years
driver less
smaller dwelling

look at that
parking lot
spiral lot
new waves of
15 years

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