Vashid Malik 95381 22881, Local Buzz Events


I met event management company owner, Vashid Malik 95381 22881, Local Buzz Events and Promotions
He was initially developer, working dot net, sql.
started career in 2000.
Was working on apartment website.
Late the website introduce airtel theme.
Later they work with real estate company to distribute brochure.
Now he is ran pan india company with 2 more partners
he handles hyderbad, chennai, bangalore
marketing is almost half in south india.

He did baiju residential marketing
where they conduct test
give top 3 people some gifts
collect name, parent name, mobile
after assessing the test, they will say,
your child is good at this, poor at that
need IQ improvement
fear factor: if he can not do maths, now, how he will do tough competition

He mad market head associate
why to meet, he will forget the moment you leave

When you will take leave
I will work every day

when no work there, i follow  people
I do business development

get the lead, set appointment, meet them,
tell the benefit, how many people watch,
what if the lead generation succcess

also provider banner
also hire partime college student
word of mouth, friend friend

I met one student engineering 4th year, rajsathan
doing for money
750 rs per day,

man pwoer companies , 250 rs , give 500rs per the person

why the student do the jobs
pocket money, go to movies, buy dress,
can not ask parent about the extra expenses

he do residential promotion

first meet security guard, ask him so and so
meet manager, later then meet them
stall, table, 2 chair, 2 people
collect name , mobile, explain the product

for different place, different price
ibc 10k + gst
mayatha park,40k
shopping  mall 1lakh

Why do not we give brochure of other company with promoting company
why not act like dump

why not show video of the promoting company in 50inch monitor
get the power

he is living in kr puram
event some festivel ,santha laga pedathara
they meet corporate office at ibc, pay 70k

why dont i work for him in weekend

i will meet person , even it fail
reason , 1% success rate is enough
insurance sell , dreams
automobiles also handles

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