amazing facts 2


  • Ice cream was originally made without sugar and eggs


  • Igloos are act made from a spiral of ice blocks, not rows of ice blocks
  • The best ice blocks are from snowbanks formed by a single snowstorm, and not from a series of snowstorms which make the ice easy to break

Indians, native

  • D World War I, the language of the Choctaw Indians was used to encode messages,
  • But that in World War II, the language of the Navajo Indians was used. The Navajo language was considered by the Japanese to be an “akable” code.
  • D the battle of Iwo Jima, Navajo code-talkers sent and received over 800 messages without any errors and without comp. There were only 6 of them!


  • According to the United States Department of Agrice, the best time to spray hold insects is 4:00 p.m. Insects are most vable at this time. (It’s just like its better to water your plants in the early mornings or the evenings)
  • An insect exerts so much energy in one hour of flying that it may lose as much as a third of its total body weight
  • In rural areas, there are more insects in 1 square mile than there are h on earth
  • When the temperature drops, the eyesight reaction time of insects (like the dragonfly and some animals like tortoises) decrease and thats why they can be caught early in the morning or at night by predators like birds whose eyesight reaction times are ected by temperature. (from Animal Planet)

Internal Revenue, IRS

  • The Internal Revenue Service a 87% of women who claim breast implants as tax dedns

internet data

  • 1500+ blog posts
  • 98,000 tweets
  • 12,000 new ads on Graigslist
  • 20,000 new posts on T
  • 600 new videos (25+ hours) on Yo


  • Food passes through the small intestine in just two hours, zipping along at 0.002 mph. Inside the large intestine, it takes about 14 hours, traveling at a more leis rate of 0.00007 mph


  • In 2006, 2 in 3 mp3 players were iPods
  • The iPod chip is not produced by Apple. It is from Portal Player
  • The designer of the iPod, Jonathan Ive, was voted more inflal than JK Rowlings
  • The Queen owned her i-Pod in June 2005


  • A good Irish birthday present is to lift the birthday child e down and gently thump his head on the floor for good luck, corresponding to his age+1
  • The original Gss Brewery in D has a 9,000 year lease on it’s property, at a perpetual rate of 45 Irish pounds per year
  • According to some historians, over 40% of all American presidents have had some Irish ancestry
  • Mad Ali has some Irish blood. His great grandfather was born in Ennis, County Clare
  • Ireland has the highest ratio of midwives per capita in the world

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Abdul Kassam Ismael

  • Abdul Kassam Ismael, Grand Vizier of Persia in the tenth century, carried his library with him wherever he went. Four hd camels carried the 117,000 volumes.


  • Some 30 sec adverts shown d the American NFL Sowl cost more than full length feature films
  • Some advertisements have funny translations in Chinese:
  • A&W’s “That frosty mug sensation” became “Feel like your face is frozen”
  • American Express’ “Don’t leave home without it” became “Stay home with it”
  • Bser’s “When you say Bser, you’ve said it all” became “After Bser, you will not be able to speak”
  • Camel’s “I’d walk a mile for a Camel” translated as “A camel asked me to walk two kilometers”
  • KFC’s “Finger Licking Good” became “Tastes like human fingers”
  • Nike’s “Just do it” translates as “Have Sex!”
  • and finally, Wheaties’ “Breakfast of Champions” is “Breakfast of Mao”


  • The weight of air in a milk glass is about the same as the weight of one aspirin. (But one also wonders how big a milk glass is… anyone?)
  • There is air in space, but very little of it. In fact, it is eqent to a marble in a box 5 miles wide. Most of the gas is captured by the gravitational pull of other celestial bodies.Thanx M.Lerner

air conditioning

  • In Iraq, the US spends more in air conditioning ($20 billion) than NASA does in an entire year ($19 billion)


  • The first United States coast to coast airplane flight occ in 1911 and took 49 days
  • When airplanes were still a novel invention, seat belts for pilots were installed only after the conseq of their absence was observed to be fatal – several pilots fell to their deaths while flying e down
  • An airplane’s “blackbox”‘ is a device which records conditions and events on an air vessel. A “blackbox” is act orange in color to make it more visible in the wreckage. The term black box might come from its charred appearance after an air crash
  • A 747-400 has six million parts (half of which are fasteners) made in 33 different coes
  • Seventy-five tho engineering drawings were used to produce the first 747
  • The outer skin of an aeroplane is only 5 mm thick. Only 7.5 in (19 cm) separate the passengers from the oe
  • D takeoff, when full of high pressure air, the takeoff weight is increased by about a ton

Al Gore

  • Al Gore and Tommy Lee Jones were once roommates. Thanx Rebecca

alarm clocks

  • Apparently 1/3 of people with alarm clocks hit the ‘snooze’ b every morning, and in the 25-34 age group, it is over half. (Are you 1 of them?)


  • New research says that a glass of alcohol a day increases your risk of colon cancer by 10% (International Jo of Cancer)


  • On average, Americans spend about 6 months of their lives waiting at red traffic lights
  • Everyday, almost 1 in 2 Americans are on a diet

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Pacific Ocean

  • The Pacific Ocean was named by Magellen because it was calmer than the Atlantic


  • The eath wastes enough paper every day to cover the netherlands every 5 minutes
  • Using a normal piece of letter-sized (8.5″ x 11″, 216 mm × 279 mm) copy paper, you can fold it 8 times by folding it 4 times in one direction, then 4 times in the other as shown in mythbs


  • Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite


  • Pearls can melt/dissolve in vinegar


  • Pears ripen from the inside out, and according to a s on the lifestyle channel, men prefer hard pears while women prefer soft pears


  • Penguins are not found in the North Pole
  • Penguins are the only vertebrate to breed in the antartic winter
  • Emperor penguin keep warm by hng together and performing slow Mexican waves
  • Male emperor penguin look after and inc the eggs


  • Without Dr. Howard Florey, Dr. Alexander Flemming might never have been credited with the discovery of penicillin, as it was Florey who sed Flemming with a working dose of penicillin
  • Of the first 3 patients who received penicillin, only 1 sed. That is a 60% mortality rate


  • Compared to other primates, human males have proportionally large genitalia


  • In the 1960′s, the US spent millions developing a zero gravity pen for use in space, and the Rns…., they used pencils. :)

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St. Teresa

  • St. Teresa of Avila is the patron saint of chess-players


  • Tablecloths were originally meant to serve as towels with which g could wipe their hands and faces after dinner

Taj Mahal

  • The Taj Mahal in India is perfectly symetrical, except for one thing. The two tombs inside are not equal in size. This is because the male tomb has to be larger than the female tomb
  • The minarets ofthe Taj Mahal in India are angled at 88 degrees ods so that they would not collapse into the stre should an earthquake occur


  • Women products like the tampon and bikini were act invented by men

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