amazing facts 3

  • The telescope on Mount Palomar, California, can see a distance of 7,038,835,200,000,000,000,000 miles
  • NASA’s GLAST main telescope weighs 3 tons but uses less than 1/2 the power of a hair dryer

  • The world’s termites ogh the world’s h 10 to 1
  • A well-established termite colony ~ 60,000 members will eat only about 1/5 of an ounce of wood a day.

  • Tetris has sold over 40 million copies worldwide, since it began in 1982.That provided the creator 800 million in revenues

  • Texas is the only state in the US that allows its residents to vote from space
  • In Texas, you can be legally married by ply introd a person as your  hd or wife 3 times
  • Texas is the only state in the USA to maintain a secession clause in their agreement with the federal government.  Texas can declare its independence and become a sovereign nation simply by enacting the provision.
  • Despite what Texans want to believe, the previous fact is false, since the original treaty negotiations (which would have sted a secession clause) were ditched in favor of a more traditional annexation agreement
  • Texans still proudly insist their state is the largest in the Union, even when confronted by Alaska’s massive size.  They jy their claim the metric, “l parts of the place accessible by pickup truck.”
  • If you crammed the world’s popon of 6.8 billion people (2011) into a single city with the density of new York, that city would ro be the size of the entire state if Texas

ikbhal blog
James Bond 007
  • James Bond Casino Royale is act based on Ian Flemming’s first Bond novel
  • There have been seven American Bond Girls, four English , three French, two Swedish and one each from Japan, Malaysia, Switzerland , Italy, and Poland
  • Bond was born in Germany
  • Roger Moore was the oldest Bond actor at 58
  • The Bond franchise has raked in almost $4 billion dollars
  • Sean Connery’s wife do for actress Mie Hama in a water-dive scene for You Only Live Twice

  • 10% of all the fish caught in the world are sold in Japan
  • An average Japanese eats her/his own body weight in seafood a year

  • A jellyfish is 95 percent water, and h around 70%
  • Jellyfish as a species are act older than dinosaurs and sharks
  • The world’s largest jellyfish has tentacles reaching half a football field
  • The e-down jellyfish is act more like a like a plant. In the Tentacle region, there is something called zooanthalle which allows them to make food from light energy
  • Jellyfish squirt water jets to propel themselves forward. They do not drift or swim
  • Jellyfish is able to reproduce both sex and asex d different parts of their life cycles

  • A “jiffy” is act a proper time unit for 1/100th of a second

Joan of Arc
  • Joan of Arc was act b alive as a witch in 1431, and only considered a saint in the 20th century. (Them folks must be pissed to hear that)

Jordan, Michael
  • Michael Jordan has more money from Nike ann than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined
  • Michael Jordan was initially reknown for his baseball skills
  • At first, Jordan failed to make the varsity basketball team at his Wilmington’s Laney High school
  • Michael grew 4 inches (11 cm) in 1 year to make the varsity squad
  • Michael Jordan retired from basketball twice
  • Jordan scored 32,292 in his basketball career
  • He appeared in the 2004 movie Size Me
  • He has a tattoo of the Greek letter ‘Omega’ over his heart, representing Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated, of which he is a member

  • Every seventh year, a Jewish agrical law prompts fervent Zionists to symbolically “sell” their land to a non-Jew for the year

  • Most caan babies are born with dark blue eyes, although it normally changes colour after child birth
  • Human babies are born 2 months premature for their size and lifespan. This is to accomodate for the fact that we have large brains d birth. (Got this off my lecture)
  • Babies crawl an average of 200m a day
  • Babies are born without knee caps. They don’t appear the child reaches 2 to 6 years of age
  • A has the highest percentage of births

  • A Baboon called “Jackie” became a private in the South African army in World War I

ikbhal blog
  • If you put a piece of scotch tape on an inflated balloon, then stick it with a small pin or needle, it won’t pop. Thanx harrison

  • Bamboo can grow up to 36 inches in a day

  • Galileo became totally blind shortly before his death.(probably from looking at the sun too much)

  • A banana tree isn’t really a tree. It is a herb
  • The banana itself isn’t really a fruit, but a berry
  • The flower of a banana plant is called a diamond

  • The technology contained in a single game boy unit in 2000 exceeds all the comp power that was used to put the first man on moon in 1969

  • In the early days, temples were used as banks and the first loans were taken out against rice
  • Just before the US started bombing Baghdad, nearly $1 billion dollars was stolen from the Central Bank of Iraq and is now the largest bank robbery in history
  • The Bank of America on Disneyland’s Main Street was in fact a foning bank (for Cast Members) the late ’70′s. It was also  the only bank in America that was open on S.
  • The Bank of America was originally called The Bank of Italy
  • In 2010, the Bank of America was the 3rd largest company in the world
  • In 2007, the top five hold $6,775,079,249,000.00 in assets. That’s six trillion dollars!
  • In Papua New G, people can enter a bank just wearing a penis sheath (koteka)

  • If you r garlic on the sole of your feet, it would be absorbed and event show up on your breath (e)
  • People drank gold powder mixed in with water in medieval E to relieve pain from sore limbs

  • In the past, barbers were also sns and dentists
  • When a barber finished an operation, he would wrap the bloody bandages around a pole. That is the origin of the red swirled barber pol
  • Barbers are mentioned in the bible. “Now, son of man, take a sharp sword and use it as a barber’s razor to shave your head and your beard.”
  • In England, people were req by law to shave their head or beard
  • Barbers used to give their clients enemas

  • A giraffe can clean its ears with its 21-inch tongue. i know some people who can do some amazing stuff too
  • Giraffes have the same n of vertebrae in their necks as h. Their lips are prehensile, their tongues are 21 inches long, and they cannot cough.

ikbhal blog
  • Gladiators were vegetarians
  • in honour of J Caesars’ father’s death, 5000 pairs of gladiator and over 350 exotic animals were pitted together in a fight to the death

  • When glass breaks, it showers TOWARDS, not away from the force that broke it. To reiterate, I will repeat it again one more time, to recap, TOWARDS the force, not away

  • If all the gold in the ocean were mined, every person on Earth would get about 20 kgs of gold each. Thanx clem

  • If you leave a goldfish in a dark room for years, it will turn white. (be reminded of the RSPCA though)
  • A pregnant goldfish is called a twit
  • There are over125 different kinds of goldfish
  • Goldfish might have a memory span after all, shown by associative learning (they approach the se when you’re about to feed them). Thanx A Koey.
  • If you had enough water to fill one million goldfish bowls, you could fill an entire stadium

  • A titanium driver hitting a golf ball can create a sonic boom
  • There are 336 dimples on a regon golf ball
  • Golf has been played on the moon! (Alan Shepard 1971)
  • The longest hole on a golf course is the sixth hole at the Koolan Island Course in Alia. The hole measures 860 yards
  • Scotland invented golf but then banned the game in 1647.
  • It was red to stand for Gentlemen Only Ladies Forbidden. That is in fact wrong. The medieval Dutch word “kolf” or “kolve” meant “club.” It is believed that word passed to the Scots, whose old Scots dialect transformed the word into “golve,” “gowl” or “gouf.”

  • The origin of this phrase comes from God be with you. It has been shortened over the years since 16th century. Shakespeare used “God be wy you.” The st for good for God seems to have been mainly due to the infl of such phrases as ” good day” and ” good night.”
  • The word Ciao act means both “hello” and “goodbye” and origianlly meant “servant” in Venetian

  • Male feral rabbits te on the females to state their ownership
  • Female rabbits on the other hand, reabsorb their embryo for the proteins

  • All mammals can get rabies, but viral reservoirs are found in carnivores (foxes, dogs, cats) and bats
  • Some mammals with rabies become terrified of water
  • More people die from dog attacks than from rabies each year
  • Noone ses from rabies once there are clinical symptoms

  • Racoons eat everything except tomatoes

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