Why i did not complete?

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, solution,
i fix the problem once for all
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why i can not complete big project?
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aqlaq website
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why i dont have 100 friend strong connection
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why i can not go to umra with family
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education, ...
why i can not go 40 days jamaat
why i can not go behroon jamaat
why i can not spent 2.30 hrs daily for mulakaat
why i can not hibz quraan
why i can not learn arabic
what is holding me back
why i can not complete the task in time
why work is not fun
why i can not do passions
why i can not live with my parents
why i can not negotiate between my wife and mom
art of completion
art of commiting
self commit
hard work
extra effort
handle, do uneasy, unlike thinkgs
why i am not motivated all time
why i am not excited
art of the finish
art of completion and why your success depends on it
the art of completion living forward
creativity an the art of completion
how to master the art of completion(and change your life)


1)The most common trait you will consistently observe in accomplished
people is an obsession with completion.

2)Once a project falls into their horizon, they crave, almost
compulsively, to finish it.

3)if they are organized, this might happen in schduled chunks.

4)If they are not "like many" this might happen in all nighters.

5)But they got it done. Fast and consistently.

It this constant stream of finishing that begins,
over time, to unlock more and more interesting opportunities
and eventually leads to their big scores.
If you are productive without harborning this intense desire for
completion, you will end up just being busy.
you work all day off of your to-do list.
Everything is organized.
Everything is scheduled.
Yet, still, months pass with no important projects getting accomplished
completion obsession.
completion centric planning
Zenos Paradox productivity

Give me any project, and i can fill days easy, fun little
tasks on the project without ever finishing it.
Real accomplishments required really hard pushes.
GTD style, "one independent task at a time"
productivity system make it easy to avoid these
pushes by instead doing a lot of little easy things.
completion centric planning rectifies this problem.
It refocus you on completion of projects "not" tasks

1)Make an active projects list
List 6-12 of the most important projects in your life.
Pull from all three relevant spheres:
professional(eg:schoo or work related);
personal eg. home family, fitness
extra big projects like blogging, writing a book, starta club)
2)label each project with a completion
To quote David Allen, to finisha project you must
"know what one looks like".
Next to reach project type a concise description
of what actions must be completed for the project to be
completed.(When you do this, you will notice how easy it was
for you before to think about projects in much more
ambiguous, impossible to complete style)
3)Label the bottom half of the page as "Holding Pen"
This is where you can jot down new projects
that enter your life while you're working on the
active projects. They can be stored here until
you complete the current batch

Using system: The daily check-in
Each morning, look at your project page and ask:
"Whats the most progress I can make toward completing this list toay"
Your biggest goal should be to complete project.
If you see a way to do it(even if it requireds a big push
perhaps workinglate) go for it.
If you cant finish one, think of single thing
you could do that would get your closest to
this goal over the next few days.
Harbor an obsession for killing this list.

finishing: rest and reload

dont start new projects until you have finished the project
on your current project page.

.If you dynamically repopulate this list you are
liable to let the least fun projects lie
fallow indefinitely.

If you come up with new projects ideas before you complete
the current active projects, simply jot the down in
your hodling pen.
work as hard as possible to finish your projects as fast as possible.
Once done, take a break. For atleast a week.
Try to do a minium of work during this time.
Recharge. Then, once you ready, build a new project page
and start over again.

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